Home Blog Are You Injured From Working At Home? A Guideline On Work Injuries That Can Occur

Are You Injured From Working At Home? A Guideline On Work Injuries That Can Occur

by Aiza
injured working from home

Modern technology has enabled many people to work from home while caring for their family’s daily needs. This is a welcoming idea for employers who prefer a manageable work schedule because of their personal circumstances – for example, parents or adults with young children or other family members who need close monitoring. Luckily, among the main benefits of working from home is the freedom of creating your own schedule.   

In addition, you don’t have to worry about commuting to work every morning. You get enough free time to interact with your family and take your children out for kids’ fun activities. You also run other businesses without worrying about your daily office work.  

However, working from home isn’t trouble-free. Like any other workplace, you can still get injured while discharging your duties from your home office. Since remote working is still in its early stages, many employees don’t know enough about injuries in such workstations.  

If you’re wondering which injuries you can suffer as a work-from-home (WFH) employee, this article is for you. This article will cover all the common work injuries that can occur in and around your home office.  

What is a work-from-home injury?

Although it might seem obvious, this phrase’s definition is crucial, especially when fighting for compensation from insurance companies. In theory, it refers to any injury that occurs while you discharge your corporate duties at home. However, it’s only as valid and justifiable as a normal workplace injury in theory, but that doesn’t go smoothly in practice. In other words, not all injuries you suffer while working from home are covered by workers’ compensation.  

In most cases, your injury will only count as compensable if you can prove that it occurred while doing something related to your job. Of course, the regulations may vary from one state to another. Other factors affecting your compensation eligibility include the injury’s type, size and employer’s policies. Winning such injury cases can be tricky, especially if you’re not conversant with the law. As such, it’s always recommended that you hire personal injury lawyers Melbourne to help you out with your claims.    

Common work-from-home injuries

1. Upper back injury

One thing that every employer is required to provide for their employees is a proper work environment. This includes a standard set of office furniture to enhance comfort and prevent injuries. Unfortunately, many WFH employees’ home offices don’t meet these requirements. The types of office tables and seats here leave much to be desired. 

You will likely suffer upper back injuries if you don’t have a standard office furniture set. Moreover, low chairs that can’t be adjusted or high tables force you to reach up for your keyboard. In some cases, you might find yourself sitting at the edge of the chair, especially if you use makeshift tables like kitchen countertops or dining tables. If held for prolonged times, such postures can put a lot of pressure on your unsupported back.  

Depending on your contract, the employer may be required to provide you with the right furniture before you start working remotely. If that’s not part of the agreement, make sure you invest in a high-quality office seat and table. This won’t only prevent unnecessary injuries but will also enhance your work productivity.

2. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

According to statistics, repetitive strain injury (RSI) affects over 1.8 million workers annually. It also accounts for about 59% of all work-from-home injuries. Therefore, RSI is arguably the most common injury in the WFH environment. So, what is it, and how can you avoid being a victim? 

RSI refers to the injury that occurs due to repeated use of a body part. It’s often associated with shoulders, forearms, wrists and elbows. It can take a while for symptoms to occur and the effects aren’t visual, hence the nickname ‘invisible injury.’ 

Like upper back injuries, your home office design is the main culprit. If your neck, wrists, hands and shoulders aren’t well supported, then you’re likely to suffer RSI. That said, it’s essential that you invest in an ergonomic workstation setup that can help you be more productive without the risk of such injuries.

3. Eye strain

Another injury common in the work-from-home community is an eye strain injury. When the pandemic hit, many employees grabbed their laptops, set up a makeshift workstation at home and began their daily operations. Although such a setup ensured the job was done, it came with many challenges. Unfortunately, many WFH employees are still stuck in these workstations, which could cause eye problems today. 

So, how do home office setups lead to eye strain? Poor room lighting and not keeping a safe distance from the monitor are among the main causes of eye injuries. In addition, the fact that you can sit in front of your monitor for hours without taking a break can make it worse. Therefore, the best way to avoid this work-from-home injury is to ensure that your desk and seat allow you to keep a safe eye-to-monitor distance. Also, be sure to increase the lighting in your room. Setting up your home office in an area with enough natural lighting is your best bet.  


If you’re one of the many people working from home today, you must know all the types of injuries that can occur to you in the line of duty. Upper back injury is among the most common problems reported by remote workers. This is usually caused by substandard office furniture. Aside from that, poor office setup can also lead to RSI and eye strain. Thus, it’s worth noting that suffering from these injuries doesn’t necessarily guarantee workers’ compensation.  

You’ll need to prove that you got injured while working on something related to your job. This can be tricky if you don’t have sufficient knowledge to support your claims. Remember, every insurance company is always determined to prove that whatever you suffered was due to your mistakes rather than the employer’s negligence. As such, it’s always a good idea to pay for the services of legal experts experienced in handling such cases.


“Backpain Relief: Ergonomic Chairs Or Fitness Balls?”, Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/back-pain/expert-answers/back-pain-relief/faq-20057793

“Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).”, Source: https://consumer.healthday.com/encyclopedia/pain-management-30/pain-health-news-520/repetitive-stress-injury-rsi-646236.html

“Prevent Eyestrain From Digital Devices.”, Source: https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/prevent-digital-eyestrain


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