Home Blog 7 Things You Need To Know Before Your Child Starts Their Next NAPLAN Exam

7 Things You Need To Know Before Your Child Starts Their Next NAPLAN Exam

by Aiza

As your child prepares for their next NAPLAN exam, it is important to be aware of the different components that will influence their performance. Understanding what needs to be done to prepare for this important assessment adequately can help ensure your child achieves the best possible result. This guide outlines key factors you should consider before your children face their next NAPLAN exam.

1. Create A Study Plan That Works For Your Child And Stick To It

Creating an effective study plan is crucial in preparing for the NAPLAN exam. Working with your child to develop a detailed plan of what needs to be studied and when will help ensure that they are well prepared for their assessment.

Setting realistic goals and expectations is also important – setting too-ambitious targets can lead to frustration and demoralization. A good study plan should include regular breaks to help keep your child motivated and refreshed, as well as activities that will help them stay on track with their preparation.

When creating the plan, consider what works best for your child – some children may prefer longer, more intense study periods, while others may prefer shorter sessions.

Once the plan is in place, it’s important to stick to it and resist any temptations for your child to become distracted. Regular reviews of the plan should also be held with your child to ensure it remains suitable for their needs.

2. Make Sure Your Child Is Well-Rested Before The Exam

Your child must be well-rested before sitting the NAPLAN exam. Poor sleep can affect a person’s concentration and ability to recall information, making it harder to perform well on the assessment day. To ensure your child gets enough rest, establish a regular bedtime routine and limit their exposure to screens in the hours leading up to the exam.

It is also important that your child eats a nutritious breakfast on the day of their NAPLAN test, as this will help them stay focused and energized throughout the assessment. Finally, encourage your child to relax before the exam – try activities such as meditating or reading a book, which can help them stay calm and focused.

3. Ensure That Your Child Knows All The Material Covered In Their Grade Level’s Naplan Exams

Before the NAPLAN exam, your child must know all the material covered in their grade level assessment. Make sure they have a good understanding of relevant concepts and terms, as well as strategies for tackling different types of questions. It can also be helpful to provide them with practice tests from previous years to familiarize them with the format and style of questions used.

Your child should also familiarize themselves with the testing environment ahead of time, so they can be prepared for any potential distractions or disruptions on their assessment day. It will also help to discuss different strategies they can use if they become stuck on a question – such as using a process of elimination or taking educated guesses.

You can also learn more about the NAPLAN Lockdown Browser at TechXpress. This is a secure browser used by some schools to ensure the integrity of their NAPLAN tests – familiarizing yourself and your child with this before the assessment will help them to avoid any confusion on the day.

4. Go Over Practice Tests With Your Child

Going over practice tests with your child is a great way to prepare them for the NAPLAN exam. Reviewing previous questions and answers will help build their confidence and give them an idea of the type of questions they can expect on the assessment day.

Discussing the correct answers and why they are correct when going over practice tests is important. Make sure your child understands any concepts or terms they may not be familiar with and strategies for tackling different questions.

You can also use practice tests to help you identify areas where your child may need extra help – such as grammar, spelling, or maths. This allows you to tailor your child’s preparation to their individual needs, so they can focus on the most relevant topics.

5. Talk To Them About How They Will Approach Each Question

It is important to talk to your child about how they will approach each question in the NAPLAN exam. Please encourage them to read through all the questions carefully before beginning and ensure they understand what is being asked.

Remind them that it is perfectly natural to feel nervous or overwhelmed when taking an assessment, but remind them that they should take their time and focus on one question at a time.

Discuss strategies they can use to approach each question, such as making lists or diagrams to help them understand the material better. Ask them if they are familiar with any concepts covered in their grade level’s NAPLAN exam, so they can be confident that they are choosing the right answer.

Finally, encourage your child to stay positive and not be discouraged if they don’t know the answers to all questions. Remind them that it is okay to take educated guesses and that their best effort is enough for this assessment.

6. Teach Them Good Time Management Skills

Good time management skills are essential for succeeding on the NAPLAN exam. Make sure your child knows how to manage their time effectively, so they can make the most of their allotted 90 minutes and answer as many questions as possible.

Teach them to break down big tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and prioritize the most important questions first. Discuss any strategies they can use if they find themselves running out of time – such as using the process of elimination to narrow down their options or taking educated guesses on questions they are struggling with.

Remind them that it is better to skip a few questions than spend too much time trying to answer one question, so encourage them to move on if they are stuck. Finally, make sure to practice time management with your child during their preparation by setting strict time limits for completing tasks and helping them become aware of how long certain activities take.

7. Help Build Up Their Confidence

It is important to help build your child’s confidence before the NAPLAN exam. Remind them of their strengths and successes in school, and talk to them about how far they have come since starting this assessment process.

Encourage an open dialogue between you and your child; let them know that expressing their anxieties and concerns about the exam is okay. Reassure them that you are there for support and believe in their abilities.

You can also help build your child’s confidence by emphasizing the importance of effort rather than results. Explain that this test does not define their worth as a person; no matter the outcome, they should be proud of themselves for trying their best.

Bottom Line

The NAPLAN exam can be a stressful experience for children and parents alike, but with the right preparation, your child will be well-equipped to take on this assessment. Talk to your child about how they will approach each question and teach them good time management skills. Last but not least, it is important to build up their confidence before the exam and reassure them that no matter the outcome, you are proud of them for trying their best.


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